Results for 'Professor Associate Professor of English Sharon M. Harris'

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  1.  9
    The Power of Contestation: Perspectives on Maurice Blanchot.Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature Kevin Hart, Kevin Hart, Geoffrey H. Hartman & Professor Geoffrey H. Hartman - 2004 - JHU Press.
    "Kevin Hart and Geoffrey H. Hartman bring together essays by prominent scholars from a range of disciplines to focus on Blanchot's diverse concerns: literature, art, community, politics, ethics, spirituality, and the Holocaust."--Jacket.
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    Feminist Readings of Early Modern Culture: Emerging Subjects.Frederick G. L. Huetwell Professor of English and Women'S. Studies Valerie Traub, Valerie Traub, Callaghan Dympna, M. Lindsay Kaplan & Dympna Callaghan - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    How did the events of the early modern period affect the way gender and the self were represented? This collection of essays attempts to respond to this question by analysing a wide spectrum of cultural concerns - humanism, technology, science, law, anatomy, literacy, domesticity, colonialism, erotic practices, and the theatre - in order to delineate the history of subjectivity and its relationship with the postmodern fragmented subject. The scope of this analysis expands the terrain explored by feminist theory, while its (...)
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    Naming as History: Dickinson's Poems of Definition.Sharon Cameron - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 5 (2):223-251.
    For Emily Dickinson, perhaps no more so than for the rest of us, there was a powerful discrepancy between what was "inner than the Bone"1 and what could be acknowledged. To the extent that her poems are a response to that discrepancy—are, on one hand, a defiant attempt to deny that the discrepancy poses a problem and, on the other, an admission of defeat at the problem's enormity—they have much to teach us about the way in which language articulates our (...)
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    An Olive Branch to Professor Hodgson and Associates.Errol E. Harris - 1990 - The Owl of Minerva 21 (2):235-237.
    The vagaries of the postal system, British or American, or both, apparently, have prevented until now by seeing Professor Hodgson’s complaints about my review of his and his colleagues’ translation of Part 3 of the Religionsphilosophie. I am dismayed and not a little surprised that he should have taken my comments so amiss, for I had not the least intention of suggesting anything but that their translation was admirable, and that the immense work they had accomplished was a very (...)
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    What Philosophy Can Tell You about Your Lover.Sharon M. Kaye - 2012 - McLean, VA, USA: Open Court / Cricket.
    Be warned—in your journey through this volume you will encounter many true stories. Some will make you laugh, others could make you cry, and all are enough to thoroughly embarrass the authors. These stories would never be allowed to see the light of day if they did not open the door to important truths about love. The authors speak to you, sometimes in their own voices, sometimes through dialogue, and sometimes through fiction. You will recognize yourself in their struggles and (...)
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    Robert con Davis is associate professor of English and graduate director at the university of oklahoma. His research interests include history of 20th century criticism, deconstruction, Jacques lacan, and.Jean-Paul Dumont - 1985 - American Journal of Semiotics 3 (3):155-156.
  7.  44
    NICE is not cost effective.J. Harris - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (7):378-380.
    Correspondence to: John Harris The Centre for Social Ethics and Policy, Institute of Medicine Law and Bioethics, School of Law, University of Manchester, Williamson Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 0JH, UK; and Culyer1 have written an interesting and considered response, as people intimately connected to the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence , to the two editorials that I wrote on recent NICE decisions. Before commenting on their response, I would like to consider a point they (...)
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    Life's Empty Pack: Notes toward a Literary Daughteronomy.Sandra M. Gilbert - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 11 (3):355-384.
    A definition of [George] Eliot as renunciatory culture-mother may seem an odd preface to a discussion of Silas Marner since, of all her novels, this richly constructed work is the one in which the empty pack of daughterhood appears fullest, the honey of femininity most unpunished. I want to argue, however, that this “legendary tale,” whose status as a schoolroom classic makes it almost as much a textbook as a novel, examines the relationship between woman’s fate and the structure of (...)
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    Costumes of the Mind: Transvestism as Metaphor in Modern Literature.Sandra M. Gilbert - 1980 - Critical Inquiry 7 (2):391-417.
    There is a striking difference, however, between the ways female and male modernists define and describe literal or figurative costumes. Balancing self against mask, true garment against false costume, Yeats articulates a perception of himself and his place in society that most other male modernists share, even those who experiment more radically with costume as metaphor. But female modernists like Woolf, together with their post-modernist heirs, imagine costumes of the mind with much greater irony and ambiguity, in part because women's (...)
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  10.  33
    The shared and unique genetic relationship between mental well-being, depression and anxiety symptoms and cognitive function in healthy twins.Kylie M. Routledge, Karen L. O. Burton, Leanne M. Williams, Anthony Harris, Peter R. Schofield, C. Richard Clark & Justine M. Gatt - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (7):1465-1479.
    Alterations to cognitive function are often reported with depression and anxiety symptoms, yet few studies have examined the same associations with mental well-being. This study examined the association between mental well-being, depression and anxiety symptoms and cognitive function in 1502 healthy adult monozygotic and dizygotic twins, and the shared/unique contribution of genetic and environmental variance. Using linear mixed models, mental well-being was positively associated with sustained attention, inhibition, cognitive flexibility, motor coordination and working memory, whereas depression and anxiety symptoms were (...)
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    Pechter's Specter: Milton's Bogey Writ Small; Or, Why Is He Afraid of Virginia Woolf?Christine Froula - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 11 (1):171-178.
    The specter of Mr. Pechter’s complaints haunted me as I wrote “When Eve Reads Milton,” as those friends who helped me to write by continually banishing it can attest. This ghost seemed somehow familiar, a shadow of Milton’s bogey or an echo of that angel in the house who still stalks the precincts of academia. Indeed, if Mr. Pechter did not exist, I confess that I could have invented him, although the specter of my imagining was rather more daunting, with (...)
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  12. How Do French–English Bilinguals Pull Verb Particle Constructions Off? Factors Influencing Second Language Processing of Unfamiliar Structures at the Syntax-Semantics Interface.Alexandre C. Herbay, Laura M. Gonnerman & Shari R. Baum - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    An important challenge in bilingualism research is to understand the mechanisms underlying sentence processing in a second language and whether they are comparable to those underlying native processing. Here, we focus on verb-particle constructions (VPCs) that are among the most difficult elements to acquire in L2 English. The verb and the particle form a unit, which often has a non-compositional meaning (e.g., look up or chew out), making the combined structure semantically opaque. However, bilinguals with higher levels of (...) proficiency can develop a good knowledge of the semantic properties of verb-particle constructions (Blais and Gonnerman, 2013). A second difficulty is that in a sentence context, the particle can be shifted after the direct object of the verb, (e.g., The professor looked it up). The processing is more challenging when the object is long (e.g. The professor looked the student’s last name up.). This shifted structure favors syntactic processing at the expense of VPC semantic processing. We sought to determine whether or not bilinguals’ reading time (RT) patterns would be similar to those observed for native monolinguals (Gonnerman and Hayes, 2005) when reading VPCs in sentential contexts. French-English bilinguals were tested for English language proficiency, working memory and explicit VPC semantic knowledge. During a self-paced reading task, participants read 78 sentences with verb-particle constructions that varied according to parameters that influence native speakers’ reading dynamics: verb-particle transparency, particle adjacency and length of the object noun phrase (NP; 2, 3, or 5 words). RTs in a critical region that included verbs, NPs and particles were measured. Results revealed that RTs were modulated by participants’ English proficiency, with higher proficiency associated with shorter RTs. Examining participants’ explicit semantic knowledge of VPCs and working memory, only readers with more native-like knowledge of VPCs and a high working memory presented RT patterns that were similar to those of monolinguals. Therefore, given the necessary lexical and computational resources, bilingual processing of novel structures at the syntax-semantics interface follows the principles influencing native processing. The findings are in keeping with theories that postulate similar representations and processing in L1 and L2 modulated by processing difficulty. (shrink)
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  13. A Diplomatic Transcription of Hume's "volunteer pamphlet" for Archibald Stewart: Political Whigs, Religious Whigs, and Jacobites.Michael Silverthorne - 2003 - Hume Studies 29 (2):223-231.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume 29, Number 2, November 2003, pp. 223-266 A Diplomatic Transcription of Hume's "volunteer pamphlet" for Archibald Stewart: Political Whigs, Religious Whigs, and Jacobites M. A. BOX, DAVID HARVEY, AND MICHAEL SILVERTHORNE Many scholars interested in David Hume will have encountered his defense of the beleaguered Archibald Stewart as it appears in an appendix in John Valdimir Price's The Ironic Hume (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1965). (...)
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    Finding autonomy in birth.Rebecca Kukla, Miriam Kuppermann, Margaret Little, Anne Drapkin Lyerly, Lisa M. Mitchell, Elizabeth M. Armstrong & Lisa Harris - 2008 - Bioethics 23 (1):1-8.
    Over the last several years, as cesarean deliveries have grown increasingly common, there has been a great deal of public and professional interest in the phenomenon of women 'choosing' to deliver by cesarean section in the absence of any specific medical indication. The issue has sparked intense conversation, as it raises questions about the nature of autonomy in birth. Whereas mainstream bioethical discourse is used to associating autonomy with having a large array of choices, this conception of autonomy does not (...)
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    (1 other version)Coleridge on Logic and Learning. With Selections from the Unpublished Manuscripts. By Alice D. Snyder, Associate Professor of English at Vassar College. (New Haven and London: Yale & Oxford University Press. 1929. Pp. xvi + 169. Price 13s. 6d. 3 dollars.). [REVIEW]J. H. Muirhead - 1930 - Philosophy 5 (18):314-.
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    Invisible Audience: Peter J. Rabinowitz's "Truth in Fiction".William C. Dowling - 1979 - Critical Inquiry 5 (3):580-584.
    The problem of internal audience is thus that no such audience exists, that the X or abstract boundary of intentionality to which we want to give the name audience cannot be described in the terms of a world in which audiences listen to utterance. For that is the world that is annihilated in our objective comprehension of the work, and the X becomes the sole reality. Yet the only terms available to us to describe the reality that is the work (...)
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    Alan Richardson is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of British Columbia. He is the author of many essays in history of philoso-phy of science and of the monograph, Carnap's Construction of the World: The Aufbau and the Emergence of Logical Empiricism (Cambridge University Press, 1998). He is a co-editor of Origins of Logical Empiricism (University). [REVIEW]Daniela M. Bailer-Jones - 2002 - Perspectives on Science 10 (3).
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    The Elements of Social Science. By R. M. McIver, Associate Professor of Political Economy in the University of Toronto. (London: Methuen. 1949. Pp. vi + 177. Price 9s. 6d. net.). [REVIEW]O. de Selincourt - 1950 - Philosophy 25 (95):349-.
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    The neural correlates of religious and nonreligious belief.S. Harris, J. T. Kaplan, A. Curiel, S. Y. Bookheimer, M. Iacoboni & M. S. Cohen - unknown
    Background: While religious faith remains one of the most significant features of human life, little is known about its relationship to ordinary belief at the level of the brain. Nor is it known whether religious believers and nonbelievers differ in how they evaluate statements of fact. Our lab previously has used functional neuroimaging to study belief as a general mode of cognition, and others have looked specifically at religious belief. However, no research has compared these two states of mind directly. (...)
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    Hume on the 'Distinction of Reason'.Harry M. Bracken - 1984 - Hume Studies 10 (2):89-108.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:HUME ON THE 'DISTINCTION OF REASON1* In a 1959 paper, Richard H. Popkin1 propounded what was then taken to be a most extraordinary thesis: Hume may never have read Berkeley. Popkin's paper marks the end of one of the stranger stories in the history of philosophy, the relationship of the British Empiricists — Locke, Berkeley, Hume — to one another. The thesis was hardly news either to Berkeley or (...)
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    Development and Preliminary Validation of a New Measure of Values in Scientific Work.Tammy English, Alison L. Antes, Kari A. Baldwin & James M. DuBois - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (2):393-418.
    In this paper we describe the development and initial psychometric evaluation of a new measure, the values in scientific work. This scale assesses the level of importance that investigators attach to different VSW. It taps a broad range of intrinsic, extrinsic, and social values that motivate the work of scientists, including values specific to scientific work and more classic work values in the context of science. Notably, the values represented in this scale are relevant to scientists regardless of their career (...)
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  22.  64
    Stages of Economic Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Civil Society.Harry J. Van Buren Iii, Jeanne M. Logsdon & Douglas E. Thomas - 2006 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 17:170-172.
    This paper begins to examine the question of where societal expectations about the nature of corporate social responsibility come from. In particular, we begin to consider arguments about how a country’s stage of economic development affects the kinds of social responsibility expectations that firms face and then how the nature of a country’s civil society might affect CSR expectations. The factors that should be taken into account for future empirical research are also considered.
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    [Cicero] Ad C. Herennium De Ratione Dicendi (Rhetorica Ad Herennium) with an English Translation.Harry M. Hubbell & Harry Caplan - 1956 - American Journal of Philology 77 (2):212.
  24.  66
    The ‘Institutio Oratoria’ of Quintilian. With an English translation by H. E. Butler, M.A., Professor of Latin in London University. Vols. I. and II. (Four vols. eventually). 8vo. Pp. I., xiv + 544; II, 532. London: W. Heinemann; New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1921. The Loeb Classical Library. 10s. each vol. [REVIEW]M. F. Moor - 1922 - The Classical Review 36 (3-4):90-91.
  25.  5
    Remembering Lewis E. Hahn.Sharon Crowell, George C. H. Sun, John Howie, Thomas M. Alexander, Kenneth W. Stikkers, Randall E. Auxier, Robert Hahn, Sen Wu, Elizabeth Ramsden Eames, Martin Lu, George Kimball Plochmann, Matt Sronkoski, D. S. Clarke, Eugenie Gatens-Robinson, Hans H. Rudnick, Stephen Bickham & Don Mikula - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (1):1-15.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Remembering Lewis E. HahnGeorge C. H. Sun, President, John Howie, Professor Emeritus, Thomas Alexander, Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Kenneth W. Stikkers, Professor and Chair, Randall Auxier, Professor, Robert Hahn, Professor, Joseph Wu, Professor Emeritus, Elizabeth R. Eames, Professor Emeritus, Martin Lu, Professor of Philosophy, George Kimball Plochmann, Professor Emeritus, Matt Sronkoski, Philosophy Graduate and Academic Adviser, Dave Clarke, (...)
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    Freedom and Heteronomy in the Anthropocene.Harry F. Dahms & Alexander M. Stoner - 2023 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 32 (1):39-52.
    The concept of the Anthropocene reflects a particular meaning of the “human” as it exists in society, and a specific understanding of freedom, which only became possible at the close of the twentieth century. Whereas Enlightenment thinkers such as Kant, Rousseau, and Adam Smith attempted to grasp the potential for humanity to be changed through society in a self-conscious process of attaining freedom, the “Age of Man” today appears entirely disconnected from human agency. Indeed, the Anthropocene is associated not with (...)
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  27. The Economy of Manichean Allegory: The Function of Racial Difference in Colonialist Literature.Abdul R. JanMohamed - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 12 (1):59-87.
    Despite all its merits, the vast majority of critical attention devoted to colonialist literature restricts itself by severely bracketing the political context of culture and history. This typical facet of humanistic closure requires the critic systematically to avoid an analysis of the domination, manipulation, exploitation, and disfranchisement that are inevitably involved in the construction of any cultural artifact or relationship. I can best illustrate such closures in the field of colonialist discourse with two brief examples. In her book The Colonial (...)
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    Sharon M. Rowley, The Old English Version of Bede's “Historia ecclesiastica.” (Anglo-Saxon Studies 16.) Cambridge, UK: D. S. Brewer, 2011. Pp. xi, 257; 9 black-and-white figures and 8 tables. $99. ISBN: 9781843842736. [REVIEW]Nicole Guenther Discenza - 2013 - Speculum 88 (4):1156-1158.
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    Plato's Earlier Dialectic. By Richard Robinson, Associate Professor of Philosophy in Cornell University. (Cornell University Press. 1941. Pp. viii + 239. Price 18s. 6d.). [REVIEW]H. M. Conacher - 1943 - Philosophy 18 (69):84-.
  30.  56
    Answering the connectionist challenge: a symbolic model of learning the past tenses of English verbs.C. X. Ling & M. Marinov - 1993 - Cognition 49 (3):235-290.
    Supporters of eliminative connectionism have argued for a pattern association-based explanation of language learning and language processing. They deny that explicit rules and symbolic representations play any role in language processing and cognition in general. Their argument is based to a large extent on two artificial neural network (ANN) models that are claimed to be able to learn the past tenses of English verbs (Rumelhart & McClelland, 1986, Parallel distributed processing, Vol. 2, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; MacWhinney & Leinbach, (...)
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    (1 other version)Hegel's System of Ethical Life and First Philosophy of Spirit.H. S. Harris & T. M. Knox (eds.) - 1979 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    The first translation into English and the first detailed interpretation of Hegel’s System der Sittlichkeit and of Philosophie des Geistes, the two earliest surviving versions of Hegel’s social theory. Hegel’s central concept of the spirit evolved in these two works. An 87-page interpretation by Harris precedes the translations.
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    William Andereck, MD, is Chair of the Ethics Committees at California Pacific Medical Center and the Pacific Fertility Center, San Francisco, California. Lori B. Andrews, JD, is Professor of Law at Chicago-Kent College of Law and Senior Scholar at the Center for Clinical Medical Ethics at the University of Chicago, Illinois. [REVIEW]Kenneth M. Boyd, Robert V. Brody, David A. Buehler, Daniel Callahan, Kevin T. FitzGerald, Elizabeth Graham, John Harris, Steve Heilig & Søren Holm - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7:117-118.
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    "The Blank Page" and the Issues of Female Creativity.Susan Gubar - 1981 - Critical Inquiry 8 (2):243-263.
    Woman is not simply an object, however. If we think in terms of the production of culture, she is an art object: she is the ivory carving or mud replica, an icon or doll, but she is not the sculptor. Lest this seem fanciful, we should remember that until very recently women have been barred from art schools as students yet have always been acceptable as models. Both Laura and Beatrice were turned into characters by the poems they inspired. A (...)
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    The differential impact of COVID-19 on mental health: Implications of ethnicity, sexual orientation, and disability status in the United States.Jordan M. Brooks, Cyrano Patton, Sharon Maroukel, Amy M. Perez & Liya Levanda - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic’s effects on mental health interact with preexisting health risks and disparities to impact varying populations differently. This study explored the relationship between demographic variables, distress and mental health, and vulnerability factors for COVID-19. An online cross-sectional study was conducted from 18 June to 17 July 2020, reflecting the impact of early phase COVID-19 pandemic and related shelter-in-place measures in the United States. Participants were adults residing in the United States, with substantial subsamples of American Indian, Asian American, (...)
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    Nancy Berlinger, Ph. D., M. Div., is Deputy Director and Associate for Religious Studies at The Hastings Center, Garrison, New York. Michael A. DeVita, MD, is Associate Professor of Critical Care Medicine and Internal Medicine and Chair of the UPMC Ethics Committee, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. [REVIEW]Barbara J. Evans, Sven Ove Hansson, Steve Heilig, Ana Smith Iltis, Kenneth V. Iserson, Anita F. Khayat, Greg Loeben, Jerry Menikoff & Rebecca D. Pentz - 2004 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 13:313-314.
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    Richard H. Popkin 1923-2005.Harry M. Bracken & Richard A. Watson - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (3):v-v.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Richard H. Popkin 1923-2005Harry M. Bracken and Richard A. WatsonRichard H. Popkin, founding editor of the journal of the History of Philosophy, died on April 14, 2005. He was 81 years old and had continued his research and writing to the last moment before he entered the hospital on march 21st with extreme respiratory difficulties.Popkin's The History of Scepticism from Erasmus to Descartes (1960) revolutionized the study and understanding (...)
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    Comprehension of English for‐adverbials: The Nature of Lexical Meanings and the Neurocognitive Architecture of Language.Maria M. Piñango, Yao-Ying Lai, Ashwini Deo, Emily Foster-Hanson, Cheryl Lacadie & Todd Constable - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    What is the nature of lexical meanings such that they can both compose with others and also appear boundless? We investigate this question by examining the compositional properties of for-time adverbial as in “Ana jumped for an hour.” At issue is the source of the associated iterative reading which lacks overt morphophonological support, yet, the iteration is not disconnected from the lexical meanings in the sentence. This suggests an analysis whereby the iterative reading is the result of the interaction between (...)
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    (1 other version)Natural Questions.Harry M. Hine (ed.) - 2010 - University of Chicago Press.
    Lucius Annaeus Seneca was a Roman Stoic philosopher, dramatist, statesman, and adviser to the emperor Nero, all during the Silver Age of Latin literature. The Complete Works of Lucius Annaeus Seneca is a fresh and compelling series of new English-language translations of his works in eight accessible volumes. Edited by world-renowned classicists Elizabeth Asmis, Shadi Bartsch, and Martha C. Nussbaum, this engaging collection restores Seneca—whose works have been highly praised by modern authors from Desiderius Erasmus to Ralph Waldo Emerson—to (...)
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    A Physician’s Role Following a Breach of Electronic Health Information.Daniel Kim, Kristin Schleiter, Bette-Jane Crigger, John W. McMahon, Regina M. Benjamin, Sharon P. Douglas & American Medical Association The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs - 2010 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 21 (1):30-35.
    The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs of the American Medical Association examines physicians’ professional ethical responsibility in the event that the security of patients’ electronic records is breached.
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    Origins of Narrative: The Romantic Appropriation of the Bible.Stephen Prickett & Regius Professor of English Literature Stephen Prickett - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    During the late eighteenth century the Bible underwent a shift in interpretation so radical as to make it virtually a different book from what it had been a hundred years earlier. Even as its text was being revealed as neither stable nor original, the new notion of the Bible as a cultural artefact became a paradigm for all literature. In Origins of Narrative one of the world's leading scholars in biblical interpretation, criticism and theory describes how, while formal religion declined, (...)
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    Modern Philosophy from Descartes to Kant (review). [REVIEW]Harry M. Bracken - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (1):99-100.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 99 the movement of the Dutch to France. Only in the second half of the century, as DutchFrench relations deteriorated, and Protestantism was actively persecuted, did Dutch students turn away from France. Professor Dibon reveals the kinds of untapped source materials that exist for tracing these student voyages, for assessing the intellectual conditions in France, and for tracing the course of ideas. Items found ill funeral (...)
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    Latin Words of Common English. By E. L. Johnson, Associate Professor of Latin and Greek, Vanderbilt University. Pp. viii + 327. London, etc.: Harrap (New York, etc.: D. C. Heath), 1931. Cloth, 6s. ($2). - The Greek Element in English Words. By J. C. Smock, Ph.D., LL.D. Pp. xiv + 356. New York: The Macmillan Co. (London: Macmillan), 1931. Cloth, 63s. net. [REVIEW] E. Harrison - 1933 - The Classical Review 47 (2):89-89.
  43. Andrew Ahlgren is associate director of Project 2061 of the American Asso-ciation for the Advancement of Science and emeritus professor of education at the University of Minnesota. He was a major participant in the development of the high-school physics course Harvard Project Physics, and the recent AAAS books Science for All Americans and Benchmarks for Science Literacy. He has. [REVIEW]Jose M. Almudí - 2002 - Science & Education 11:317-319.
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    Courtney S. Campbell, Ph. D., is Professor and Director, Program for Ethics, Science, and the Environment, Department of Philosophy, Oregon State Uni-versity, Corvallis, Oregon. Jean E. Chambers, Ph. D., is Associate Professor in the Philosophy Department of the State University of New York, Oswego. She is currently working on. [REVIEW]John Harris, Bryan Hilliard, Søren Holm, Kenneth V. Iserson, Avery Kolers, Greg Loeben, Peter Montague & John C. Moskop - 2003 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12:329-330.
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    Writing and European Thought 1600-1830.Nicholas Hudson & Assistant Professor of English Nicholas Hudson - 1994 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book argues for the importance of writing to conceptions of language, technology, and civilization in the early modern era.
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    What Explains Associations of Researchers’ Nation of Origin and Scores on a Measure of Professional Decision-Making? Exploring Key Variables and Interpretation of Scores.Alison L. Antes, Tammy English, Kari A. Baldwin & James M. DuBois - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (5):1499-1530.
    Researchers encounter challenges that require making complex professional decisions. Strategies such as seeking help and anticipating consequences support decision-making in these situations. Existing evidence on a measure of professional decision-making in research that assesses the use of decision-making strategies revealed that NIH-funded researchers born outside of the U.S. tended to score below their U.S. counterparts. To examine potential explanations for this association, this study recruited 101 researchers born in the United States and 102 born internationally to complete the PDR and (...)
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  47. Soldiers in War as Homo Sacer.AssociAte PrOfessor Of Military Ethics At THe Military Academy In Belgradehe Is Also Lecturer In Ethics at The School Of National Defence he Is An Elected Member Of The Board Of Directors Of The EuropeAn Society For Military Ethics & War Collection He is A. Reserve Officer in the Serbian Armed Forces Editor-in-Chief of the Online Ethics of Peace - forthcoming - Journal of Military Ethics:1-13.
    In this article, the author aims to demonstrate how Agamben’s concept of Homo Sacer is ideally epitomized by a soldier in war. A soldier in war holds a peculiar position, as killing of soldiers is considered neither illegal by laws nor immoral by ethics, and so a soldier is not considered to be legally or morally “guilty” in the usual sense of the word if he or she kills another soldier in war. The author analyzes the notion of Homo Sacer (...)
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    Pharmaceutical Speakers' Bureaus, Academic Freedom, and the Management of Promotional Speaking at Academic Medical Centers.Marcia M. Boumil, Emily S. Cutrell, Kathleen E. Lowney & Harris A. Berman - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (2):311-325.
    Pharmaceutical companies routinely engage physicians, particularly those with prestigious academic credentials, to deliver educational talks to groups of physicians in the community to help market the company's brand-name drugs. These speakers receive substantial compensation to lecture at events sponsored by pharmaceutical companies, a practice that has garnered attention, controversy, and scrutiny in recent years from legislators, professional associations, researchers, and ethicists on the issue of whether it is appropriate for academic physicians to serve in a promotional role. These relationships have (...)
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    Lifespan profiles of Alzheimer's disease-associated genes and products in monkeys and mice.R. Dosunmu, J. Wu, L. Adwan, B. Maloney, M. R. Basha, C. A. McPherson, G. J. Harry, D. C. Rice, N. H. Zawia & D. K. Lahiri - 2009 - J Alzheimers Dis 18:211-30.
    Alzheimer's disease is characterized by plaques of amyloid-beta peptide, cleaved from amyloid-beta protein precursor . Our hypothesis is that lifespan profiles of AD-associated mRNA and protein levels in monkeys would differ from mice and that differential lifespan expression profiles would be useful to understand human AD pathogenesis. We compared profiles of AbetaPP mRNA, AbetaPP protein, and Abeta levels in rodents and primates. We also tracked a transcriptional regulator of the AbetaPP gene, specificity protein 1 , and the beta amyloid precursor (...)
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    Philosophy: A Complete Introduction.Sharon Kaye - 2012 - Boston: Hachette.
    Written by Sharon Kaye, who is Professor of Philosophy at John Carroll University, Philosophy: A Complete Introduction is designed to give you everything you need to succeed, all in one place. It covers the key areas that students are expected to be confident in, outlining the basics in clear jargon-free English, and then providing added-value features like summaries of key books, and even lists of questions you might be asked in your seminar or exam. -/- The book (...)
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